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Most Common Causes For Colorado Workplace Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and fall accidents in the workplace are far too common in Colorado. Understanding the causes of these accidents and what can be done to prevent them can go a long way in avoiding workplace injury. Unfortunately, filing workers’ compensation claims in Colorado can be a nightmare. Some employers and insurance companies may choose to minimize or deny your rightful claim to benefits. Because of this, it is in your best interest to secure yourself a skilled attorney to negotiate the details on your behalf.
Slippery Floors
Probably the most common cause of slip and fall injuries is wet floors. Wet surfaces can come about in many ways including:
- Spills and leaks
- Inclement weather such as snow, ice, and rain
- Workplace sanitation efforts
In an effort to keep the areas clean, the floors can become slippery and cause workers to fall and suffer injuries requiring a compensation claim. It is no secret that it snows in Colorado which could cause slippery surfaces outside but also inside, especially near entranceways. In all of these circumstances, the consequences of a slip and fall could be quite severe.
A reduction in slippery surface areas can help to minimize the risk of a slip and fall in those areas. By keeping things dry, the chances of a slip and fall are reduced significantly. It is also important to notify other workers working in the area that there are slippery surfaces nearby. A heads-up could help those employees avoid an unnecessary tumble.
Inclement Weather
Branching off of slippery floors, inclement weather on its own can be the cause of many slips and falls. Colorado is known for icy conditions, snow, and cold weather. Being mindful of your footing and keeping the area well-lit can help mitigate slip and fall possibilities.
Workspace Clutter
Cluttered office buildings and warehouses are chock full of tripping hazards that could see an employee on the end of a slip and fall claims case. Occupations that use power tools with lengthy cords can also create walkway hazards that a worker may not see until it is too late. Keep clutter to a minimum and watch where you step to avoid trips and falls that could land you in the hospital.
Poor Lighting
Insufficient lighting in areas where it is dark or where the weather is an issue could lead to accidents. When a worker cannot see the hazard how can an employer expect them to avoid it? An increase in lighting in dim or hard-to-see areas is a must and those areas should be avoided until proper lighting is provided.
Uneven Work Areas
Some jobs require workers to work in elevated areas or in areas where the walkways may be poorly maintained. These situations can be especially worrisome as they are very difficult to avoid. Elevated work areas are highly dangerous, leading to potential fatalities from fall deaths. Appropriate safety measures, like proper training and tools, must be in place to help avoid this outcome. Injuries of this magnitude should be reported immediately.
Contact a Larimer County, CO Personal Injury Lawyer
Employers do not always have their employees’ best interests at heart. This is especially true if it means taking money out of their pockets for things they deem an unnecessary expense. A slip and fall injury can negatively affect the rest of your life making it more important for you to consult an experienced Fort Collins, CO slip and fall injury attorney as soon as you are able. When sustaining an injury on the job, you will want a hard-nosed attorney from the Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. negotiating your claim. We offer free consultations to discuss your case. Give us a call at 970-225-2190 today.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
123 North College Avenue, Suite 160,
Fort Collins, CO 80524
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
201 E. 4th Street, Unit 132,
Loveland, Colorado 80537|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)