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Top Causes of Colorado Car Accidents

 Posted on April 27,2021 in Car Accident

Fort Collins car accident lawyerAccording to national statistics, approximately six million car accidents occur in this country each year. These accidents are responsible for more than three million injured victims, with two million of these victims left with permanent damage or disability.

While the circumstances of each crash may be different, there are common factors that show up in case after case. One of these factors is the cause. The following is a brief overview of some of the most common reasons why crashes occur. For more detailed information if you have sustained injuries in a car accident, call our office to speak with a Fort Collins personal injury attorney.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

When our firm represents a client in a car accident claim, one of the first things we determine is what was the cause of the crash. What type of negligent behavior was the other driver engaged in that resulted in our client’s injuries? The following are some of the top causes that we see in case after case:

  • Speeding: The posted speed limit on each road is determined based on how that road is designed. When a driver goes over that speed limit, the risks of crashing increase substantially. Since the vehicle is traveling at a greater speed, the crash’s impact is more forceful and usually results in serious to severe injuries.

  • Alcohol-related crashes: Despite years of education and warnings, people still insist on getting behind the wheel of their vehicle after they have been drinking. Although the numbers are going down, drunk driving accidents are still one of the most common causes of vehicle crashes.

  • Distracted driving: While drunk driving accidents may be decreasing, distracted driving accidents continue to rise. Even seconds of taking your eyes off the road to look at a text message can result in tragedy.

  • Reckless driving: Some drivers operate their vehicles as if they are entitled, and the roads belong to them – cutting other vehicles off, changing lanes or turning without signaling, not stopping at stop signs, etc. These actions are not only traffic violations, but they are also one of the top causes of car accidents.

  • Tailgating: Everyone seems to be in a hurry these days, and this may be the most obvious on the roads, with impatient drivers following too closely behind the vehicle in front of them. This behavior will not only not get a driver to their destination any quicker, but this failure to leave enough space between vehicles often ends up in a rear-end collision.

Let a Larimar County Injury Attorney Help

If you have been injured in a crash caused by another driver, that driver may be responsible for your medical bills, loss of income while you recover, pain and suffering, and more. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. today at 970-225-2190 to schedule a free consultation with a dedicated Fort Collins car accident attorney. We will evaluate your case and determine what type of financial compensation you may be entitled to.




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