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3 Hidden Threats to Workplace Safety

 Posted on June 15, 2022 in Workplace Injury

ft-collins-workplace-injury-lawyer.jpgNo matter what line of work you are in, there is always the potential for a workplace injury. Whether you do your job sitting at a desk or on a construction site, no worksite is completely safe. While in Colorado, you do not need to prove that your employer was negligent in causing your injuries, a large percentage of workplace injuries could have been prevented by a more safety-minded employer. It is not always the conditions of the work site alone that lead to injuries. The true causes of workplace injuries are often much more difficult to spot than a stray live wire. If you were injured in the workplace, Workers’ Compensation is most likely available to you. An attorney can help you determine how best to pursue compensation. 

Common Safety Concerns in the Workplace

Some of the greatest dangers in the workplace are the hardest to notice. A few safety concerns you may be faced with in your workplace include: 

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Top 3 Causes of Rollover Accidents

 Posted on June 08, 2022 in Car Accident

fort-collins-car-accident-lawyer.jpgRollover accidents can be some of the most deadly, and the most terrifying to live through. A rollover accident is not an overly common event. It takes significant force or a steep enough hill to send a car rolling. These accidents tend to involve major carelessness or even recklessness on the part of the at-fault driver. Rollover accidents can be devastating for everyone involved, including the loved ones of those inside the car. If you were injured in a rollover accident caused by an unsafe driver, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries. As rollovers often involve severe injuries that will require ongoing care, it is important that you let a lawyer help you calculate the amount you deserve before you consider an insurance company’s offer. 

What Careless or Reckless Behaviors Cause Rollover Accidents?

There are some environmental factors that play into the likelihood of rollover accidents. For example, we have a lot of steep hills here in Colorado that can turn a simple run-off-the-road accident into a rollover. But the people who bear the responsibility for rollover crashes are those who cause them. Some dangerous actions that can cause rollovers include:

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What Should I Do if I Was Hit by a Government Vehicle?

 Posted on May 27, 2022 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerYou probably more or less know what to do after a routine car accident with another driver in a personal vehicle. However, if the driver who caused your accident was a city or state employee in a government vehicle, that can really throw a wrench in things. Government vehicles are of course insured like any other vehicle on the road should be. However, the process of dealing with the aftermath may look a bit different. Everything from reporting the crash to filing a claim and recovering compensation may involve just a slightly different procedure. The safest thing to do is to work with an attorney who is experienced in handling personal injury claims against the government before. Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. has this type of experience, and we are not intimidated by the idea of going up against the state.

Examples of Government Vehicles in Colorado

The term “government vehicle” is fairly broad. A government vehicle could be a:

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The Role of Witnesses After a Motor Vehicle Accident

 Posted on May 22, 2022 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerNeutral third-party witnesses can make or break a motor vehicle accident case. People who just happened to be nearby when you were hit by a negligent driver and do not know either party can provide some of the strongest and most believable evidence in your case. Should it come to a trial, juries tend to put a lot of trust in bystander witnesses as they have absolutely nothing to lose or gain and no reason to lie. They can also provide a different, outside perspective on what happened from their own point of view. If you are able to, it is a good idea to flag down potential witnesses after the accident. Both the police and your attorney will be highly interested in what they have to say.

Why Are Eyewitnesses Important After a Negligent Driver Causes an Accident?

There are two sides to every story. Your version of events and the careless driver’s version of events are likely to be quite different. The driver who hit you is likely to make excuses or even outright lie in an effort to escape liability. Witnesses can be very helpful in a number of ways, including:

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3 Reasons You Urgently Need a Lawyer After a Car Crash

 Posted on May 18, 2022 in Car Accident

CO accident lawyerWaiting too long to call a lawyer after you have been injured in a car accident could be a costly mistake. Making this common mistake could make recovering financial compensation more difficult. It is quite common for people to think about it for several days or more before finally deciding to reach out to an attorney. People may initially think they can handle their claim alone, only to discover that the process is much more complicated than they thought. The best possible course of action after a car accident is to call an attorney as immediately as is possible. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the easier it may be for them to uncover the evidence they need to prove your case. An attorney can also help you avoid making further mistakes that could impact your case. Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. is always ready to start protecting your interests as soon as we hear from you.

Why Calling a Lawyer Quickly is Important

Obviously, calling a lawyer immediately is not possible in all cases. Those who have sustained major injuries may not be in any condition to make phone calls until after they have been stabilized or treated at the hospital. The important thing is that you call once you are safely able to do so. You should not wait to reach out for legal help for reasons such as:

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3 Tricks a Car Insurance Company Might Try After Your Crash

 Posted on May 06, 2022 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerA car insurance company is first and foremost, a business designed to make money. Earning a profit is their number one goal. Offering you fair and full compensation after one of their customers injures you is contrary to that goal. In nearly all cases, that means they are not going to do it unless someone - usually your lawyer - forces their hand a bit. This is why the other driver’s insurance company is going to be very eager to talk to you as soon as possible after the accident. You may not even be home from the hospital when you start getting phone calls. Generally, their goal is to get to you before you can get to a lawyer. They know they are more likely to “win” when they deal with an unrepresented party. This means that contacting an experienced attorney is rather urgent when you have been hurt in a car accident. Insurance representatives can be very convincing.

What Tactics Might Insurance Companies Use When Dealing With an Unrepresented Party?

Ideally, you should avoid talking to the other driver’s insurance company other than to give them your lawyer’s contact information. They may attempt to cheat you out of a fair settlement using tricks like:

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5 Types of Evidence You May Need in Your Car Accident Case

 Posted on April 28, 2022 in Car Accident

CO defense lawyerProving who was responsible for a car accident can be more difficult than it may seem. The simple fact that many people will lie to avoid liability for a crash they caused can easily complicate your case. When drivers and other vehicle occupants tell conflicting stories after an accident - which they often do - you will need to come up with some more concrete evidence showing what happened. There are a variety of types of evidence that can help you if this is the case. This is one of the reasons that time is of the essence when it comes to contacting an attorney after a car crash - they will want to collect evidence from the location of the accident as quickly as possible.

What Types of Proof Can Show Who Caused a Car Crash?

Unless your accident happened in the absolute middle of nowhere at midnight, odds are it was either caught on camera or there were witnesses. Even if this is not the case, physical evidence can still be used to show that the other driver was responsible. Your lawyer may use evidence like:

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The Importance of Medical Evidence in a Car Accident Claim

 Posted on April 21, 2022 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerWhether you were hit by a negligent driver while you were driving, riding as a passenger, on a motorcycle, or on foot, medical evidence is one of the most important things you are going to need to win. This is one of several reasons it is so often repeated that after a car accident, you should get medical attention whether you immediately believe that you are injured or not. The medical evidence of any harm done to your body is going to be incredibly important as your attorney attempts to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company - or in trial, if it comes to that. If you are involved in a serious accident, it is important that you consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible for further guidance.

Why is Seeking Immediate Medical Attention Important?

Aside from calling a lawyer, getting checked out by a medical professional immediately after the accident is one of the most important things that you can do. You might feel okay at the time, but not all injuries - even serious injuries - are readily apparent while you are still on the side of the road.

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3 Ways Careless Drivers Put Motorcyclists at Risk

 Posted on April 18, 2022 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerNow that Spring is here - hopefully, to stay - many motorcyclists have dusted off their bikes and returned to the roads. Colorado is beautiful in the Springtime, and a nice ride through the mountains can be an almost awe-inspiring experience. Drivers should be well-aware that they are sharing the road with people on motorcycles and take precautions to avoid putting riders in unnecessary danger. Unfortunately, not all do. There is little room for carelessness when one is driving a vehicle around motorcyclists. Even an accident that would have been quite minor had it happened between two cars can be devastating for a motorcyclist. If you were injured while riding a motorcycle, an attorney can help you seek the financial settlement you need to fully compensate you for every type of harm you suffered.

What Careless Driving Practices Create Serious Dangers for Motorcyclists?

When a driver crashes into a biker, it is a fairly safe bet that they were being careless in some way. Very few accidents are truly unavoidable when everyone uses an appropriate level of caution. If you were injured by the driver of a car or truck, your attorney is likely to investigate to determine whether they were doing something careless like:

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When to Get a Lawyer for a Workers' Compensation Case

 Posted on April 07, 2022 in Workplace Injury

CO job injury lawyerGetting hurt at work can create a serious interruption in your life. Making sure that you get the medical care you need to return to work - if that is possible for you - can be challenging in some cases. Not all employers are as cooperative with the process as they should be. When you are injured and trying to recover, you could probably benefit from having a professional with in-depth knowledge of workers’ compensation law to advocate for you. While not every workers’ compensation claim requires assistance from an attorney, if your injury is on the more serious or impactful side, then having quality legal representation can be invaluable. If you are in doubt, calling an attorney for a complimentary consultation may be the best course of action.

When Might I Need Legal Representation for My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

If your injury is fairly minor, you did not miss much work, and your employer is cooperative about covering your medical costs and required missed wages, you might be alright handling the claim on your own. However, if your injury is more serious, then having an attorney who knows your legal rights to advocate for you could result in a more favorable outcome. If any of the following factors is present in your case, it might be worth it to contact an attorney:

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Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151

123 North College Avenue, Suite 160,
Fort Collins, CO 80524

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Greeley, Colorado 80634 |
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Longmont, Colorado 80501 |
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Boulder, Colorado 80303 |
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Loveland, Colorado 80537 |
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