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What Should I Do After a Pedestrian Accident in Colorado?

 Posted on July 16, 2019 in Personal Injury

Larimer County pedestrian injury attorney

Getting hit by a car as a pedestrian can be a dangerous and traumatic experience. A person walking down the street has little protection against a car or truck, and the results are often fatal. Colorado is a “fault state.” This means that whoever is responsible for an accident pays damages to the other party. Sometimes, the fault of an accident is clear. For example, if a drunk driver goes through a red light and hits a pedestrian who is crossing the street at a crosswalk during the appropriate time, the driver will be at fault. However, if a pedestrian was crossing the street at the wrong time or place, and the driver was distracted, fault in an accident can be more difficult to determine. If both parties are determined to be equally at fault, no party may collect damages.

No one plans on getting hit by a car while out for a stroll, but knowing what to do after an accident can not only help you address your physical injuries, it can help protect your ability to recover financial compensation. 

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Frequently Asked Questions About Workers’ Compensation in Colorado

 Posted on July 10, 2019 in Workplace Injury

Ft. Collins work injury lawyer

People work in order to support themselves and their families. That is why if you are hurt and cannot perform your job, there is a cause for concern. The good news is, if you are injured while at work, you may be eligible for workers' compensation benefits to compensate you for your lost wages and medical bills. If you were hurt at work, you may wonder if you are entitled to benefits, depending on the type of injury. You may also not know how to initiate the process. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions by those who are considering filing for workers' compensation.   

What Is Workers’ Compensation? 

Most employers throughout the United States are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance that provides coverage in the unfortunate event an employee gets hurt while at work. In these cases, workers' compensation insurance will pay for the full costs of any necessary medical treatment. If an employee cannot return to work due to an injury he or she sustained while on the job, then workers’ comp will pay a percentage of his or her lost wages. In Colorado, some classes of employees, such as real estate agents and federal employees, are not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. 

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What Safety Measures Can Help Avoid Motorcycle Accidents in Colorado?

 Posted on June 28, 2019 in Personal Injury

Larimer County, CO motorcycle accident injury lawyer

Motorcyclists are often cast as irresponsible and reckless individuals due to their choice of transportation. While motorcycles do lack the external protection that cars have, most motorcycle riders care about safety and take the proper precautions while they are on the road. Motorcyclists make up only 3 percent of drivers in Colorado but contribute to 20 percent of fatalities on the same roads. There are factors that a motorcycle driver will not be able to control, and there are times when motorcycle accidents are unavoidable, but following laws and safety recommendations can be the difference between life and death. 

Safety Precautions 

To legally operate a motorcycle in Colorado, a driver must get a motorcycle endorsement on an already valid driver’s license. One of the biggest safety precautions motorcyclists can take is to follow the law. Road rules exist for everyone’s safety, and there are penalties to discourage recklessness. Motorcycles are not allowed to share a lane with a car or drive in between two lanes of traffic. Since car and truck drivers do not expect smaller vehicles to speed past them, doing so can create a dangerous scenario. Two motorcycles can share a lane space and ride parallel, but it is recommended to drive in a single file line. 

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What Are the Consequences of Truck Accidents in Colorado?

 Posted on June 21, 2019 in Personal Injury

Larimer County truck accident lawyer

Trucks are not inherently dangerous. With the proper driver training and maintenance of the truck, goods can reach their final destinations safely. However, accidents involving trucks can and do happen on many highways across the country. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 4,889 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes in 2017. Crashes can occur due to many reasons, including driver error, bad weather, traffic, and road conditions. No matter whose fault a truck accident is, the consequences can result in devastating injuries and even fatalities for the truck driver as well as passengers in other vehicles.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

The legal weight of a semi-truck can be up to 80,000 pounds without an oversize permit. Such massive machines require specific training and maintenance compared to passenger cars. Driver fatigue is often associated with truck accidents. Truck drivers are pressured to complete their routes within specific time frames while being legally required to rest in between shifts. An overly tired person can experience the same impairments to physical and mental coordination as someone who is over the legal limit for alcohol use while operating a vehicle. While this is a common reason why truck accidents happen, other factors include inexperienced or negligent driving, inclement weather, brake failure, tire blowouts, or poor road conditions.

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Why You Should Be Extra Cautious of Teen Drivers in the Summer

 Posted on June 14, 2019 in Car Accident

Larimer County car accident lawyer teenage driver

By this time of year, most schools are out of session for summer vacation. For a teenager with a brand-new driver’s license, this newfound freedom is exciting. Operating a car is a privilege and a responsibility that may be overlooked with the long summer nights and lack of supervision. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, car accidents are the leading cause of the deaths of teenagers in the United States.

Colorado Driving Laws for Teenagers

In Colorado, the minimum age for a teenager to have an initial driver’s license is 16 years old. This is only after taking a drivers' education course, having a permit for at least 12 months, and completing a minimum number of hours on the road driving with an adult over the age of 21 who has a valid driver's license. During this time, there are restrictions for new drivers under the age of 18, but a teenager may choose to ignore these rules.

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Safety Tips to Help Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

 Posted on June 07, 2019 in Car Accident

Fort Collins pedestrian accident lawyer

Walking is an easy and inexpensive way to get places, and it provides the added benefit of physical activity. However, a pedestrian may be involved in a collision with a car or truck, and these types of accidents can be incredibly dangerous. In 2017, 5,977 pedestrians were killed throughout the United States as a result of being hit by a vehicle. Although this is down 1.7 percent from the year prior, the large number of pedestrian fatalities and injuries continues to be a serious concern.

In this type of accident, a person on foot is likely to suffer a serious injury or even death. In a car, the driver and passengers have seat belts and airbags, while a pedestrian has no protection. Pedestrians who are hit by a car may experience injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, spinal cord damage, nerve damage, amputated limbs, and lacerations.   

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The Dangers of Head Trauma Caused By Falls At Work

 Posted on May 31, 2019 in Workplace Injury

Larimer County workplace brain injury attorney

A head injury can be one of the most dangerous and life-altering situations a person can face on the job. In regard to the workplace, most head injuries are the result of a fall. It is more common for physical laborers, such as construction workers, to suffer a fall as a result of working conditions, but it is possible for an office worker to fall and receive a head injury, too. Regardless of the circumstances, a traumatic brain injury can be devastating. If you sustain head trauma at work, you may be entitled to benefits for medical expenses or lost wages. 

Symptoms of Head Injuries

After falling and hitting your head, it is recommended you seek medical attention immediately. This is especially important to ensure that you receive workers’ compensation. A doctor will be able to verify the severity of your injury to report to your employer and workers’ compensation representative. This will allow you to be eligible for benefits such as compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. Head injuries are also not always apparent right after a fall or accident. If the following symptoms appear after you fall, be sure to visit a doctor:

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Why Are Truck Accidents So Common?

 Posted on May 24, 2019 in Car Accident

Larimer County truck accident lawyer

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of accidents involving a large truck or bus increased by 40 percent from 2009 to 2017. An 18-wheeler truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and can cause massive destruction in an instant. Driving on the road next to a semi-truck can give anyone anxiety. Knowing what circumstances can lead to a truck accident may make you a more mindful driver. Being knowledgeable about truck accidents may also help you determine if a truck driver or trucking company was liable for your accident.

Contributing Factors

There is more at stake during a truck accident due to the size and weight of trucks versus passenger cars. It takes an experienced truck driver to know how to properly handle safe road conditions, let alone poor weather. When a truck driver or company is at fault for a severe or fatal accident, passenger car occupants are the most vulnerable. Even with a seat belt, the force of a truck and its impact can change a person's life forever. To know your rights after a truck accident, it is important to consider the following factors that contribute to truck accidents:

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Managing Emotional Trauma After a Serious Car Accident

 Posted on May 16, 2019 in Car Accident

Ft. Collins accident lawyer

Car accidents have the potential to cause physical and emotional trauma. Cars are large machines that can reach high speeds, and upon impact, create havoc for the people inside. Physical trauma to the body has the potential to change a person's life, but mental recovery is also critical. Surviving a car crash can lead to mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression. 

Severe car accidents often cause an emotional response, but a person facing mental trauma after an accident may feel extreme feelings that do not go away quickly. In fact, they may worsen. In this case, a person may have developed PTSD or another mental illness. PTSD symptoms may include:

  • Constant feelings of uneasiness;
  • Uncharacteristic anger or irritability;
  • Nightmares or insomnia; 
  • Feeling disconnected from your surroundings; and

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Common Causes for Motorcycle Accidents

 Posted on May 13, 2019 in Personal Injury

Larimer County injury lawyers

With the weather getting warmer, motorcyclists are now able to enjoy the open road once again. Whether used as primary transportation or as a hobby, motorcycles have many benefits as an alternative to a passenger car or bicycle. While motorcyclists are sometimes characterized as reckless thrill seekers, the vast majority are committed to safe riding. 

A motorcyclist is always more exposed to danger on the road than other vehicles. Except for protective gear such as helmets, gloves, and thick jackets, motorcyclists have direct contact with the environment they are driving in. There are no airbags or large physical barriers for protection. Although motorcycles are one of the smallest groups of motorists, motorcycle accidents make up 20 percent of all road fatalities in Colorado. 

Driving a motorcycle carries different challenges than a car or truck. These are the most common ways motorcycles are involved in accidents on the road: 

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Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151

123 North College Avenue, Suite 160,
Fort Collins, CO 80524

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Greeley, Colorado 80634 |
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Longmont, Colorado 80501 |
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Boulder, Colorado 80303 |
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Loveland, Colorado 80537 |
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